Friday 26 August 2011

Outfit of the Other Day - Farmer's Daughter

With summer coming to an end, I have been spending as much time outside as I possibly can. Whenever I go and stay with the family up north, I really enjoy letting the fresh air get right into my lungs. It makes a refreshing change from London life, the hustle and bustle - the to-ing and fro-ing. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't live anywhere else, but it is nice to escape sometimes - see the farm, get a bit muddy and go on long walks with Sprout the dog.

Sprout had a complete funny five minutes round the field during this shot hence the giggle!

  • Crochet Vest: Kindly made by my most adorable Gran all the way down in Devon.
  • Vintage Skirt: Green suede from the 1960's - stolen from my Mother's wardrobe.
  • Wellies: Traditional Hunter (Yup still my Dad's!)

    • Necklace: A mixture of beads and stones - given as a gift so I'm not sure how much or where from...
    • Earrings:  Found in my bottom drawer back at my parents place. Treasures - you never know where they may crop up! 


      Nothing too fancy with the make-up, or the hair for that matter. In fact, I don't think it's even been brushed, just put one side up with a bobby pin. Products used:

      I love my dog!
      As you can see, in terms of the outfit, it cost me nothing. Well, next to nothing (I did buy my own underwear!) It goes to show that a rummage round here and there, you can have yourself, well, dressed at the very least!  

      So that my darlings, is all for today. I really hope you've liked some of what you've seen. If you have, perhaps think about doing one of the following...
      • Comment below -Comments make me happy.
      • Enter my MEGA UBER giveaway. Click HERE.
      • Nominate me in the Cosmo Beauty Awards - Link somewhere on the right..
      Thanks & Ciao for now x

      1 comment:

      1. Oh you look bloody gorgeous! These look like pictures that you would see in a magazine, soo beautiful! I love your Dog aswell he is a beauty! I must enter your giveaway aswell! :D xxx
